Meet your Kiwi Host
Its truly has been a colorful life that I have had to date and I have grown to love my country even more everyday when I am touring around it. I am very thankful for the life style that I have had here in New Zealand and believe I am now truly privileged to able to share it with those who travel so far from all corners of the globe to experience our true Kiwi Southern Hospitality.
I believe there is no such things as strangers in this world, but friends that have just never met,and I look forward to meeting everyone as I strive to make every day a better day for those I have had the pleasure of meeting.

Wayne Johnson
Company C.E.O Host / Driver
Tour Guide
Wayne Johnson Bio:
I started my Television career thirty + years ago in January 1981 and over the next twenty years I traveled the length and breadth of New Zealand
and the World extensively, on many Television News and Currents assignments for New Zealand’s National Television Network.
In the course of those travels I never lost sight of my other great passion, the New Zealand great outdoors when either working, or for my own
personal recreation, as I have a keen interest in the environment and our very precious and unique Eco Systems here in New Zealand.
I’ve had the pleasure of filming a lot of the early Operation Nest Egg Kiwi Recovery Program at the Auckland Zoo in the early 1990s and filmed
young Kiwi chicks being released back into the wild to boast our main land Kiwi stock, but sadly our national bird is still in dire trouble to this day
for its survival on the mainland Islands of New Zealand.
In 1997 I won a Qantas Media News award for best National News Camera Work and I have been a finalist on two previous occasions.
In 2006 it was time to break out of the corporate hold and get back into the freelance world to do the work that I personally love now with
producing and field directing ability as part of my skill base.
2014 I joined the ranks of the tourism industry here in New Zealand as a personalized guide and driver and over the last four years I have had the
pleasure of showing New Zealand off to the rest of the world and sharing my love for this great little country that I am so very proud to call home.
It is indeed my pleasure to not only host and share what New Zealand has to offer with its scenic beauty but also show off its cultural heritage when
I welcome guests into the very friendly and relaxed way of life that we all enjoy here in New Zealand.
The New Zealand great outdoors is a real passion of mine, and you would never have to ask me twice to get out into the wilds of New Zealand be it
coastal or rivers and lakes as my love of fishing speak for itself.I have a passion for environmental conservation and I celebrate and applaud the
work of either community groups or individuals, whose contribution on a daily basis, is to make our world a better place in any way, and I celebrate
with them when they clearly show the way to triumph over adversity.
It’s a privilege to be able to use my skills with the art of verbal storytelling and to share my photography and Television Production skills as I love to
educate, motivate and inspire people.
I believe there is no such things as strangers in this world, but friends that have just never met, and I look forward to meeting everyone as I strive
to make every day a better day for those I have the pleasure of meeting.
Yours sincerely Wayne Johnson C.E.O. EYEONU. Eye On U Productions Ltd